Dear Neighbor:
Every Illinoisan plays a role in ensuring our health care system remains fully operational to treat patients in need of urgent care.
If you are experiencing symptoms of any illness, including COVID-19, here are key DOs and DON’Ts:
DO CALL a health care provider first, like your primary care physician or a health clinic.
DO NOT walk directly into an emergency room or a doctor’s office.
DO FOLLOW the instructions of a health care provider on next steps. A health care provider will ask about your symptoms and potential exposures. If they think you need medical care, they will help arrange medical treatment without putting others at risk of exposure.
If you meet certain criteria, you may be tested for COVID-19, but as testing expands, those with severe illness and those at higher risk of complications are being prioritized.
People whose symptoms are mild — which will be most people — will be able to isolate at home during their illness, and they should follow the directives of their health care providers.
Interested in Giving Back?
If you’re looking for ways to give back or help out in our community during this crisis, including information on donating blood and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) supplies, please visit

Representative Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz
With questions and concerns about coronavirus,
please call the IDPH 24/7 hotline at 1-800-889-3931
or email
For the most current information on the coronavirus in Illinois,